BYF! i swear and use caps untagged. tone indicators are appreciated. don't pressure me to write. ifb writers and artists. don't repost. don't pqrt non-fics. sb to unfollow.

DNIF! dislikes my faves. straight up rude. hates on my fics (don't like, don't read). basic dni criteria.

just be nice please :D

SHIPS I WRITE % kwt, knf, karlnap, snf, dreamnap, pwt.
MOOTS % debi, onii, cel, cloud, needle, nina, ollie, mal, katie, plagg, cas, flor, hollan, rue, frausti.
i write threadfics, socmed aus and ao3 fics! you can find them in my moments :] im glad to have you here mwah \o/